5 Effective Tips To Relieve Shoulder Pain And Strengthen Them

As you get more advanced in age, you might feel your muscles and joints tighten. The tricky part of it is that joint discomfort might happen even without the presence of an obvious injury, so you’ll have to be on constant watch all the time.

Joint discomfort could hit random parts of your body, including your shoulders. Your shoulder plays such a crucial role in your upper body’s mobility, so any kind of pain or discomfort could be a big hassle.

As soon as you experience pain in your shoulders, it’s best to immediately consult a doctor or an orthopedic. Physical therapy also works best; investing in Waterford physical therapy could be a game-changer in helping relieve your shoulder pain.

Along with physical therapy, there are also other ways for you to treat shoulder pain, even on your own. If you’re committed to this routine, you’ll have higher chances of fighting off shoulder pain.

1. Take It Slow

When the first bout of shoulder pain hits you, it might be a sign that your workouts or daily routines are too much for you to handle. There’s no shame in taking it slow, especially if you’re already overstressing your body.

While it’s true that taking a full day or even days of rest is the best short-term path, most of us still need to get some work done. If you’re experiencing pain in your shoulder (or on any part of your body), it’s recommended that you lighten your workload and settle down for a bit.

Even if you have fully recovered from the injury and there’s totally no pain anymore, physical therapists would still recommend that you gradually return to your normal routine. You’re still running the risk of re-aggravating your shoulder injury, so you’ll find yourself back to Step 1 if that happens.

2. Consider OTC Painkillers If Needed

As soon as your shoulder flares up, you’re advised to ice that shoulder for the first 48 hours. After that span, you can then apply a hot compress for the following days. However, this treatment might not be enough to relieve your shoulder pain.

As we mentioned prior, some of us need to work or do several chores amidst the shoulder pain. If that is the case, you can always take OTC (Over-the-Counter) medications to ease the pain. OTC NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) like Ibuprofen and Naproxen are the most common medications for shoulder pain.

However, you should consult your doctor or orthopedic if the pain persists. There might be an underlying ailment that causes the pain, so it’s something that you should take seriously.

3. Do Mobility Exercises

Engaging in mobility exercises is more of a prevention than a cure. Simple, no-equipment exercises like an across-the-chest stretch, chest expansion, seated twists, shoulder circles, neck release, and child’s pose could go a long way in improving the mobility of your shoulders.

If you’re feeling any pain in your shoulder, make sure to consult a doctor first before doing these stretchings. In the case that you have muscle strain, there might be some exercises that you should not do to avoid putting more stress on that affected muscle.

4. Stay Active But Avoid Shoulder Contact

Rest is still the best course moving forward, but it’s important that you don’t overdo it. Overreacting your shoulder might not improve the tightness you’re experiencing, so it’s recommended that you move it from time to time.

Of course, it goes on to say that you should avoid any contact with your shoulder. You’re also not allowed to lift heavy things until such time that you have completely recovered from your shoulder injury.

Source link: https://artofhealthyliving.com/5-effective-tips-to-relieve-shoulder-pain-and-strengthen-them/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-effective-tips-to-relieve-shoulder-pain-and-strengthen-them by Mark Stevens at artofhealthyliving.com