8 Tips For Safe Summer Workouts

Working out during summer is fun as you enjoy the fresh air and vitamins. However, the intense heat is a drawback for most people, given that the sun is very hot this season. While you may feel young and healthy, no one is immune to the effects of the hot sun, and you can get sick from the heat by working without precaution. To ensure good health, this article gives you eight tips for safe summer workouts.

Tips For Safe Workouts

The following are the tips you should follow for your summer workouts to stay healthy.

Avoid Peak Sun

During summer, the sun peaks between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Going out around this time is risky as the intense rays are most likely to cause health implications. Therefore, target early morning or late evening for safer and more comfortable workouts.

Drink Fluids

While waiting until we are thirsty to take water is normal, you should avoid this during summer and stay hydrated throughout. This means taking water at least two hours before your workout and after. You should also carry a water bottle and drink more water as you exercise. If engaging in an intense workout, consider sports drinks to replenish your electrolytes. Avoid caffeine and excess sugars, as these will dehydrate you.

Start Slow

Taking it easy is advisable when you shift from indoor to outdoor exercise during summer. Start with slower movement, lower impact exercises for shorter periods, and gradually increase your workout length and intensity. Your body may need up to two weeks to acclimatize, and you should be patient with yourself.

Listen To Your Body

Whether a beginner or not, you should listen to your body, as anyone is prone to heat-related illnesses. While feeling tired after a workout is normal, be cautious if you experience nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, headache, dizziness, excessive sweating, vision problems, and low blood pressure. These signs indicate heat illness, and you should stop exercising and move to a shelter. Also, hydrate immediately using cool towels or ice packs, or spray water on your forehead, neck, and underarms. If the symptoms persist beyond twenty minutes after first aid, seek medical care.

Your body is likely to experience the above symptoms when it is humid as your sweat does not evaporate faster, hence the risk of overheating. Where the summer heat challenges your high-intensity workouts, consider breaking it up into smaller workouts throughout the day for your body to rest and refuel without compromising your fitness goals.

Dress Appropriately

Wearing lightweight and loose-fitting clothes is advisable to aid the evaporation of sweat and cool your body. Bright-colored clothes will reflect the sun and increase your visibility to oncoming traffic.

Wear Sun Protection

Nothing is worse than getting sunburns following your workout during summer, as this can affect your workout moves. Hence, slather your skin with sunscreen of at least SPF 50 thirty minutes before going outdoors. Consider waterproof sunscreen, given that you will be sweating, and reapply if out for too long.

Your eyes also need protection to prevent sun-related eye disorders. Common eye problems during summer include cataracts, eye allergies, and dry eyes. Therefore, look for sports sunglasses giving UVA/UVB protection against the effects of the sun’s rays.

Leave The Heavy Meal For Later

Eating a heavy meal before your summer workout is inadvisable as digestion will consume your body’s energy, making you feel sluggish. Your body will also generate more heat, resulting in discomfort during your workout. Therefore, take lighter meals such as smoothies or raw coconut at least an hour before exercise to allow enough time for digestion.

Know Your Medical Risks

If you have a medical condition or are under medication, contact your doctor before switching to summer workouts. Certain medications increase your sun sensitivity, and your doctor will recommend safer ways to adjust.

Enjoy Your Workout

Working out in the summer is great for staying active, but this should never come at the expense of your health. Therefore, be mindful of the weather, your limits, diet, and protect your body by wearing a suitable garment, protective sunscreen, and sunglasses. You should also check for heat symptoms and contact a doctor immediately if you experience any. Finally, prioritize the early morning and evenings for your workout for a more comfortable and fun summer workout.

Source link: https://artofhealthyliving.com/8-tips-for-safe-summer-workouts/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=8-tips-for-safe-summer-workouts by Louise Smithson at artofhealthyliving.com